Wednesday 31 October 2012

Farmville 2

FarmVille 2

Farmville 2 was announced on6 June 2012, it is said to be more 3D and that new ways of playing the game have been added such as items that have been farmed in game can be used to create other items. this in turn creates a more realistic farming experience.

how is it marketed?

farmville is unlike any AAA games as it is not advertised on the television or in magazines etc. it is advertised through the social network sites such as facebook, it may be advertised on your facebook homepage. To advertise farmville 2 to the people who are interested zynga look at the persons history of games like farmville and they then advertise it on the persons homepage. or they advertise it on the app centre on facebook.they also advertise farmville through other zynga games with adverts by the side or on it may pop up with an option to download farmville 2 as the game is loading.

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