Monday 17 December 2012

Sterotyped characters in TV drama

Tom Branson
Tom Branson is a character from Downton abbey, he is an Irish man who is stereotyped through the show. for instance when his brother comes to visit him they start to drink, when they are then drunk they are stereotyped as aggressive. he is also portrayed as working class and coming from a poorer background.

Dev- coronation street
Dev is of Indian background, he is stereotyped by owning a corner shop in the programme. He is also seen as arrogant and thinks alot of himself.

The Masood family
they are an Indian family from Easterners, they are stereotyped throughout this soap. for instance they own a Indian restaurant in the programme, called the Argee Bhajee. they are also portrayed as very religious and are very serious about their religion, this is shown when they disown their son due to him being a homosexual.

Monday 10 December 2012

Audience localisation Essay

Audience localisation has brought out the debate whether a game developer should target an audience on a international level or on a localised level. a national audience being whole countries with them only really changing the language and localised being taking social issues into account before they are released into that specific country. i believe that developing a game for a localised audience would be a lot better than targeting on a national scale as it means that a lot of controversy will be avoided as they have taken the social issues into account that would have caused them problems, for example if a game was released in America that involved a plane crashing into a building it would not be very popular, therefore by targeting on a localised scale they will make a larger profit and have less problems surrounding the game on release.

When a new game is released it has to take in to account the social issues that the game may cause, to prevent these issues occurring they have to focus on the audience and were the game is being introduced. for example the game 'call of duty world at war' involved the Nazi party being main part of the game with a part of the game being Nazi zombies, this therefore resulted in this part of the game being banned from all copies in Germany. another example being that in the PC version of the game wolfenstein was withdrawn from circulation in Germany in 1994. this is due to the Nazi swastika being a large part of the game, with the Nazi anthem being the background music also. this was banned due to the social issues that the game may cause due to these offencive emblems. Another example is that in china all consoles are banned as they are thought to corrupt the minds of the youth. they have been banned in china since 2000, this is ironic as china are the largest manufacturer of games consoles such the xbox 360, PS3 and wii and they are not sold in china itself, whereas the government have allowed consoles that have games built in to be sold, as they are seen as not bad. even though game consoles are banned, online and mobile device gaming is permitted. Although Sony have found a way around this console ban and made a more =basic version of the PlayStation 3, this has been allowed into china and will potentially increase Sony's profits as they are the only platform holder allowed to sell in china. localisation can also create a lag time between release dates as if the game is being released nationally they may have to spend longer on a certain nationality, as of the in game content such as final fantasy VII which had a lag time of 7 months between its release in japan and in America.

games marketing also has to change if localisation has to happen, as such things like the Nazi swastika, this is illegal in Germany and is not allowed under any circumstance. this means that games such as call of duty world at war and wolfenstein posters will have to be edited so that they did not show this offensive emblem, that would cause social outrage to occur. game localisation also means that marketing has to be very specific to the certain nationality, for instance they may have to follow a certain lifestyle when creating game adverts or trailers. for example they may put different celebrities in trailers so they relate more to that country.

in conclusion i still stand with audience localisation as even though it may take longer it means that the audience will not be offended by the game and it will therefore attract a larger audience as it has been specifically designed for them. I also believe that it is needed in the sense of the Internet and digital download as anyone can download the game but without localisation and adaptations such as language they will not be able to play the game properly, so localisation is needed foe digital download to take place. I believe that in today's climate this is needed as there are many social issues in separate countries and if they aren't assessed properly they can cause huge social problems, so targeting on a local level is better than targeting a national level as it avoids social problems and it may bring in more profit due to this.

Monday 3 December 2012


Distribution in the games market

The distributors for GTAV will be Take-two interactive, this will be good as it is using vertical integration meaning thay will get all profit from the game sales, also as they own all aspects of the games development they will not have to pay other distributors etc which will cut the cost. Skylanders giants will be distributed by XPEC entertainment, they are a video games developer and publisher based in taiwan. they have distributed other games such as Hello kitty roller rescue. Going from the large well known established franchise of GTA, angry birds has been distributed on a smaller scale, they were originally distributed by chillingo. this is not using vertical integration as rovio are using a different distributer, this will therefore result in them not making as much of a profit.

GTA and Call of duty

In an interview  at the 2012 technology conference take two boss said that if rockstar released a game every year like call of duty it would not do very well in sales. he said that if they did the audience may fall out with the franchise. this may be true as a game such as GTA is a wildly anticipated game that builds up tension over the years, this keeps the game popular as they are not making GTA predictable which keeps people interested and when it comes to release more people will buy the game as they have been drip fed for years and the excitement and anticipation has built up. also games such as COD are very predictable and while GTA are  not releasing a yearly game activision are carrying on the game which reduces its popularity, this is caused by people not feeling this excitement about the game which will cause people to maybe put off buying the game. they have compared GTA sales numbers with COD numbers and have stated that they sold 125 units with GTA IV and that with each GTA this number grows. whereas with COD the sales number's from COD black ops 2 were not as high as its predecessor modern warfare 3 this therefore proving his sales tactics as it showing how people are falling out of love with the franchise.

UGC in the games market

User generated content, UGC is content created within the game that has been made by the audience/consumers rather than the game developers themselves. an example of this in the game industry is little big planet, this is because when playing LBP you create levels yourself, which can then be played by other players.
UGC can have some negative effects on the game industry as it may leave things such as DLC pointless as they will not be bought due to the amount of UGC that has been development meaning that people will not feel the need to purchase the dlc as they have everything they want from creating it themselves. also it may cause games such as call of duty that releases a game every year to become less popular as they don't follow this creative side which allows the player to get what they want from the game and not what is handed to them which cannot be changed. However this can have some positive impacts as it prolongs the games life as it makes it more popular also if a popular mod is created that requires the game to play it people may buy the game to play it therefore generating a bigger profit over time.